New Publisher on the Publisher's Showcase: Super Labo
Thanks to Ed Templeton, photo-eye found out about the new Japanese publisher Super Labo in 2009. Last year, this new publisher started a series of perfect bound and saddle-stitched publications with Templeton's Coming to Grips and Joel Meyerowitz's Redheads. This year, Super Labo has expanded its catalogue with five new titles and at least one more (by Stephen Gill) coming out in the fall. The new books have arrived at our warehouse and, although modestly composed, they are rich with content. In this newest list is Alec Soth's post-Mardi Gras project Ash Wednesday, New Orleans and Hido's fabricated narrative Nymph Daughters, Kanemura's street chaos Stravinsky Overdrive, a selection of Meyeorwitz's images with a floral motif Wild Flowers and, contrary to the color palette you might imagine, mostly black, super-saturated images of snowboarding at night in Tomonori "Rip" Tanaka's Night Rider.
All of the books can be found on the Super Labo page on photo-eye's Publisher's Showcase. Click on each book for more info or to order.