Currently on Display is our on-going weekly feature investigating the individual works that are included in the show currently on display at photo-eye Gallery. These artist features include the images selected for this exhibition as well as the artists' thoughts and inspirations behind the individual image or images.
The featured images this week are:
Abandoned Ostrich Egg, Amboseli 2007, by
Nick Brandt and,
August 25th, 2006 and
Fallen Tree, 1996 by
Raymond Meeks.
Nick Brandt
Nick Brandt -- Abandoned Ostrich Egg, Amboseli 2007 |
"One October afternoon, I found this ostrich egg abandoned on the lake bed in Amboseli. The sight struck such a chord in me that I stopped in my tracks and immediately set up the camera on the tripod in front of the egg, turned it in the direction of where the sun would eventually set,and waited several hours until it did. The image seemed the appropriate final photo in the second book -
A Shadow Falls - of my trilogy, partly because of its ambiguity. Is it an image of hope or despair, the end of the world or some kind of hopeful new beginning? However the viewer may choose to interpret the photo, the photo sets up the final book that I am currently working on in the trilogy, with attendant darker vision." -Nick Brandt
See more work by Nick Brandt
Raymond Meeks
Raymond Meeks -- August 25th, 2006 |
"Blue/green and silent." -Raymond Meeks
Raymond Meeks -- Fallen Tree, 1996 |
"I was driving towards the pine ridge reservation in South Dakota, the home of the Oglala Sioux nation and the birthplace of Leonard Peltier, who was convicted for aiding and abetting the execution style murder of two F.B.I agents during a 1975 shootout on the reservation. The indictment has been controversial, the subject of a film by Robert Redford and Michael Apted,
Incident at Oglala, which portrays Peltier as a political prisoner.
I had just come from the U.S. penitentiary at Leavenworth, Kansas where I’d made a few portraits of Leonard Peltier for a magazine commission. The fallen tree, partially submerged in this dried, frozen river bed, seemed a fitting metaphor to accompany the story I was illustrating." -Raymond Meeks
See more work by Raymond Meeks
Please contact me if you would like additional information or would like to receive email updates about Nick Brandt or Raymond Meeks.
Anne Kelly, Associate Director photo-eye Gallery
*Next week's featured artists will be Jock Sturges, Mark Klett and Don Hong-Oai
Read the first four posts:
PART ONE - Jo Whaley and David Trautrimas
PART TWO - Tom Chambers and Laurie Tümer
PART THREE - Hiroshi Watanabe, Michael Levin and Julie Blackmon
PART FOUR –Zöe Zimmerman, James Pitts and Kevin O’Connell