Pennants over Pienza -- Tom Chambers |
Travel is always a fountain of inspiration for me, and a recent trip to Florence was no exception. The classical art, architecture, and landscape were magical. Things I had seen in a textbook as an art student or in a travel magazine came alive for me and in turn generated many ideas and images for me to explore. The photomontages in my new Illumination series are different from previous work in that Illumination is about aesthetics and personal meaning, and less about socio-political ideas. -- Tom Chambers
Ursa Minor -- Tom Chambers |
Renaissance artists affirmed the transformational nature of light in their classical paintings. Taddeo Gaddi and Giotto di Bondone of the Renaissance period painted breathtaking frescoes in which light created dramatic effects. Artists, such as these masters, inspired me to create photomontages that highlight the aesthetic power of light. -- Tom Chambers from the Illumination artist statement
Autumn Moorage and Walk on the Wild Side -- Tom Chambers |
The unique light accentuated the brilliance of the Renaissance artistic and architectural masterpieces. I came away with the understanding that light exposes possibilities and opens the mind to seeing things differently. -- Tom Chambers from the Illumination artist statement
Chamber's work will be included in the Worldwide Photography Biennial Exhibition, The Borges Cultural Center, Buenos Aries, Argentina, January 19-February 27, 2012 and
Azart Photographie #14, a contemporary French photo magazine, has published a selection of images, “La Substance de RĂªves.”
See more of Chamber's work at photo-eye Gallery
Chamber's book,
Entropic Kingdom can be viewed
here. The photo-eye Editions limited edition portfolio
Dreaming in Reverse, can be viewed