Macallan 101 -- Ernie Button |
The NPR food blog The Salt recently featured the beautiful whiskey-dervied images of Ernie Button. Read it
here. The post also focuses on the the science of the subtle rings that Button captures in his photographs, saying, "According to
Howard Stone, head researcher at Princeton University's Complex Fluids Group, the rings and waves seen in Button's images are probably the result of particles that are left behind once the alcohol has evaporated." And Button's beautiful images have inspired these scientists, who now plan to do research on it. "In particular, they are looking into why different types of whisky produce subtly different patterns."
View Ernie Button's Vanishing Spirits portfolio
High Tide, Winter, 1999 -- Tria Giovan |
Tria Giovan's
High Tide, Winter, 1999 is currently on view in Land, Sea, Sky, an exhibition of recent acquisitions at the Parrish Art Museum. Other artist featured in the show include Clifford Ross, Jane Wilson, Robert Dash and Fairfield Porter. The exhibit runs through April 9th. A book of Giovan's coastal images titled
Sand Sea Sky was recently published Damiani. See it
Giovan's work on the Photographer's Showcase are a series of subtle photographic documents from Cuba in the 1990s and can be viewed
Golden Fleece -- Alan Friedman |
Alan Friedman's stunning sun photographs were recently featured on Insidehook. Read it
here. A backyard astronomer, Friendman's images are made using "a jerry-rigged ten-inch telescope, some narrow-band filters and a 120 frames-per-second webcam (the same kind used to snap pics of your license plate) in his upstate New York backyard," the article says.
If you missed it, Friedman give a wonderful lecture on his process at the TEDx Buffalo conference, which can be seen
View Friedman's portfolio