Best Books 2013 Best Books 2013 Hisako Motoo Best Books picks from curator and editor Hisako Motoo.
By Oliver Chanarin & Adam Broomberg
The subjects are chaotic scenes in the world. Violence, tragedy, fear, absurdity… scary, but they makes us think about this age. When I first saw the book I was taken in by its designing and binding.
By Momo Okabe
I saw Momo's photographs several years ago and felt the strong impact. Since then, I have been thinking the possibility of publishing her book by myself. It is great to know that her book was done this year.
*This title is not currently available from photo-eye. Email us to be notified if copies become available.
By Daido Moriyama
Kawade Shobo Shinsha
Moriyama published the photography series titled The Letter to St. Loup around 20 years ago as the homage to Niepce. He recently visited there and took photographs. Each photograph is very quiet and filled with Moriyama's pleasure. The tone of black ink is really beautiful.
Tokyo Blues 1977*
By Nobuyoshi Araki
Taka Ishii Gallery
The office of Mr. Araki moved this summer. He found a hundred small format black and white photographs from 1977 during the moving. The images reflect the potential energy of that period. Also, we can see the same essence in his most recent works in Death Novel. In the same year, 2013, his vintage works and new works were published.
*This title is not currently available from photo-eye. Email us to be notified if copies become available.
Death Novel*
By Nobuyoshi Araki
The book features Araki's life through 209 photographs. The black and white photographs are not edited, but ordered only chronologically. The photographs bear stories. These are the moments of continuity through the photographer's life. His sentimental journey has been on going.
*This title is not currently available from photo-eye. Email us to be notified if copies become available.

Hisako Motoo is an independent curator/editor based in Tokyo, Japan. Motoo has been dedicated to photography in many kinds of formats. She specializes in exhibitions, book publishing as well as selecting images for all kinds of different projects.