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New on Publisher Direct - Old New World, Ansel Adams: At the Water’s Edge & Whiskey Drinking Troubadour

Whiskey Drinking Troubadour by Ikuo Salley, Ansel Adams: At the Water’s Edge and Old New World by Mary Macpherson
Ikuo Salley’s Whiskey Drinking Troubadour showcases the photographer’s thoughtful blend of conceptual art and street photography. Setting out to denounce social media and a false sense of communication via the Internet, Salley took to the streets of Hollywood to capture the essence of ‘real communication,’ photographing prostitutes addicts and the homeless. Here we see grainy black-and-white images that seek to expose life’s hardships while also giving an honest and engaging take on the human condition.

Published by the Peabody Essex Museum, Ansel Adams: At the Water’s Edge explores the prolific landscape photographer’s fascination with water. From famous imagery of Old Faithful to lesser-known photographs, At the Water’s Edge helps expand the artist’s well-known and extensive catalogue. Here the viewer is given examples of Adams’ deep fascination with water and how he chooses to represent it through his highly stylized printing process.

Old New World by Mary Macpherson contains an engaging series of urban landscapes that attempt to examine the cultural shift from traditional New Zealand to a modern New Zealand. By showcasing the country’s new prosperity and development in a contemporary and at times clever fashion, Macphersion has given the viewer a direct insight into a society’s sudden transition.

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