Best Books 2014
Best Books 2014
Alex F. Webb & Lewis Chaplin
Best Books picks from Alex F. Webb & Lewis Chaplin of Fourteen-nineteen.
By Bernhard Fuchs
Verlag der Buchhandlung Walther Koenig
The title of this book speaks for itself.
By Gregoire Pujade
A frightening, melancholic glimpse into a familiar new world displayed through a quiet and beautifully effective sequence. Oblique storytelling at its best.
By Seth Lower
The Ice Plant
A simple well executed concept that humorously explores the relationship between LA and its relationship to film, both through place and actor.
By Go Itami
Only just released but definitely a favorite from this year. A compelling index of false appearances.
By Gerry Johansson
Perfectly executed study of a land that not many experience.
By Lucas Blalock
I have never come across a book that is so closed to completely falling apart and collapsing upon itself. The idea of taking what looks like a book dummy and making a full print run is so appropriate to Lucas’ constant replicating and rehashing of images.
By Jan Hoek
Art Paper Editions
Jan’s simple act of asking people how they wish to be presented is unexpectedly powerful in the lines it draws about political and cultural assumptions of self-representation. Wait until you see the spider image.
By Penelope Umbrico
For me, this book is the perfect example of how working with swathes of digital, everyday imagery can illustrate a socio-political event in a way unlike no other.
By Christopher Williams
Verlag der Buchhandlung Walther Koenig
I understand why a lot of people don't like Christopher Williams. For me the rigorousness and detail of his entire practice makes way for a really enigmatic abstraction that this slightly confusing book encapsulates perfectly.
By Helmut Völter
Spector Books
Spector gathers the detritus of early science’s relentless drive to document and categorize everything — demonstrated here through systems for documenting something as transient as clouds — weaving a link from early photography through to the first satellite images.

We (
Alex & Lewis) run
Fourteen Nineteen, a project set-up to explore and celebrate young photography through publishing, events & commissions.