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Opening Friday: Photo Objects & Small Prints

Exhibition runs Friday, December 6th through January 2014.
Opening & Artist Reception Friday, December 6th, 5-7 pm
photo-eye Gallery is located at 376-A Garcia Street, Santa Fe, NM 87501

photo-eye Gallery is pleased to announce an exhibition of photographic objects and small prints from a wide range of artists working with photography in a variety of ways. We are also pleased to partner with Mary Anne Redding to present REDD: a pop-up experience with 2 contemporary art jewelers engaging with the photographic medium.

The exhibit will include small prints from Ernie Button, Ronald Cowie, David H. Gibson, Kevin O'Connell, James Pitts, Pentti Sammallahti, Jo Whaley and Zoë Zimmerman. David Emitt Adams, Linda Connor, Raymond Meeks, Chris McCaw, Julia Barello, Kate Breakey, Curtis Wehrfritz, Rachel Phillips, Chaco Terada, Laurie Tümer, Fritz Liedtke, Rachelle Thiewes and Ryan Zoghlin will contribute a variety of photographic objects including photographs printed on rocks, silk, vintage envelopes and tin cans, as well as hand-made books, Daguerrotypes, jewelry and more.

Ernie Button creates fascinating photographs of the fine lines that remain at the bottom of glasses of single malt scotch; Ronald Cowie explores simple truths through the lens of hope and faith in his series Leaving Babylon; David H. Gibson's exquisite black & white landscapes describe the sublime beauty of the natural world; Kevin O'Connell contributes photographs of the American West; James Pitts presents platinum/palladium prints of classic still lifes; Pentti Sammallahti's toned silver-gelatin prints capture fleeting moments of beauty all over the world; Jo Whaley's color pigment ink prints give a glimpse into the natural world through the lens of scientific investigation; Zoë Zimmerman turns the classical still life photography into visual riddles in her albumen photographs.

David Emitt Adams prints photographs made all over the American West on tin cans found at the site of each photograph; Julia Barello makes use of dyed x-ray and MRI film in large-scale installations and jewelry; Linda Connor offers photographs of nature printed on fine silk; Raymond Meeks contributes exquisite hand-made photobooks; Chris McCaw creates solarized photographs of the sun, allowing the sun's rays to burn through the photo paper negative; Kate Breakey's photograms depict flora and fauna from the American Southwest; Curtis Wehrfritz creates one-of-a-kind Dagguerotypes; Rachel Phillips prints photographs onto vintage envelopes; Chaco Terada prints photographs on layered silk; Rachelle Thiewes creates jewelry encouraging active participation through light and movement; Laurie Tümer prints her self-portraits onto smooth rocks; Fritz Liedtke contributes a beautifully-produced hand-made book Astra Vellum; Ryan Zoghlin prints tiny hot-air balloons onto small objects.

For more information please contact Anne Kelly at 505-988-5159 x 121 or